The Empathy Effect: Countering Bias to Improve Health Outcomes 

*Program currently under review and unavailable at this time*  


The patient who is judged… may not follow up on important recommendations.
The patient who feels marginalized… may not ask critical questions to clarify treatment.
The patient who senses bias… may never return to that follow up visit.


This 4.5 hour training presents an extensive research base, a commitment to active learning and input from a diverse array of experts. This training uses structured self– reflection and focuses on practical skills that learners can bring to their daily work immediately. This workshop is designed for everyone who works in healthcare who comes into contact with patients/clients and families. 

The Empathy Effect workshop is based on three foundational premises: 

  1. Empathy is healing and judgment is harmful
  2. Vulnerable populations experience greater harm by judgment and lack of empathy
  3. We alll have judgments, and we can learn to mitigate them

Throughout the workshop, learners are invited to participate in a series of exercises that are graduated to engage learners around their own experiences in a safe and supportive environment. 


Learning Objectives:




The Institute for Healthcare Communication is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians. For more information about the Institute for Healthcare Communication, please visit