Waterloo Wellington Self-Management Program
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Live life to the fullest with your ongoing health condition

Sustaining Change with Dr. Michael Vallis & Meghan Mills, CMHA-- March 6, 2024- VIRTUAL WORKSHOP

150 Pinebush RD
Cambridge, Ontario
Canada N1R 8J8
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The Waterloo-Wellington Self Management Program presents a 1-day learning opportunity for Healthcare Professionals. Please join us for a session with Dr. Michael Vallis, PhD. R. Psych speaking on Sustained Behaviour Change through the clinician-patient relationship and Meghan Mills from the Canadian Mental Health Association sharing a workshop on Empathic Strain.


This day promises to equip you with valuable tools and insights for your practice while nourishing your own well-being.


Don't miss this opportunity to grow, learn, and rejuvenate.


Sustained Behaviour Change-- Dr. Michael Vallis, PhD. R. Psych- 9:00am- 12:00pm

  • Establishing a change-based relationship that shifts from the typical “teach and tell” approach to one of “collaborate and empower
  • Determine and promote the readiness to change specific behaviours, with a focus on supporting change in those who are not ready
  • Behaviour modification to support the readiness of the person
  • Addressing psychosocial determinants of behaviour within scope of practice 

Empathic Strain-- Meghan Mills, Canadian Mental Health Association- 1:00pm- 4:00pm

  • The definitions of empathic strain, vicarious trauma, moral distress, moral residue, burnout, and compassion satisfaction, and their impact on well-being, and well as the impact of trauma on the brain.
  • Self-care and resilience strategies, including ways to bring self-care and well-being into the workplace.

Participants must attend both sessions in order to receive a certificate of completion.


Please note:

There will be a $50 no-show fee charged if participants do not call us within 72 hours to cancel their registration.


By completing this registration, you agree to the Terms and Conditions of Waterloo Wellington Self-Management Program.

Name: Sustaining Change with Dr. Michael Vallis & Meghan Mills, CMHA-- March 6, 2024- VIRTUAL WORKSHOP
Address: 150 Pinebush RD
Cambridge, Ontario
Canada N1R 8J8
Date: Wednesday March 6, 2024 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Categories: Professional Workshops

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